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The Do’s & Don'ts of Planning a Perfect Honeymoon

Planning your wedding and ultimately your honeymoon can be intense experience. So many factors need to be taken into account, with external events / partites "bidding" to scupper even the best laid plans.

In this blog we look will take a closer look at what we think makes the Do's and Don'ts to ensure your honeymoon turns out exactly as it should.

The Don’ts

Booking any holiday is a highly personal thing, and booking your honeymoon is no different. Do not let anybody book your honeymoon on your behalf especially your relatives. A well meaning grandparent or great aunt is unlikely to be ware of some elements that you and your intended place high on your honeymoon list.

Even though the resorts look good and sound good there is a reason why they are on offer. Listen to the features versus the prices of each resort, and select a location that you are happy with.

A honeymoon is for both partners, and your final selection should take consideration of this. It should have features and benefits you both can enjoy either together. Remember, you have just got married (save the disagreements for later life!)

Don’t be fooled in taking the easy option by booking trying to emulate your friends “perfect honeymoon”. Locations, hotels and activities are all highly personal, and what your friends value might not be right at the top of your list! 


The Do’s

Great Uncle Bert or Auntie Bell might have travelled the world but not in your clothes. They might for example have done their travelling a while ago, it could have been a different era. What was once then does not mean it is the same now.

Your fiancee’s honeymoon desires might be totally different to that of your friends. Your pal and his new wife might have a completely different set of priorities on choosing their honeymoon destination and resort.

Even though resorts look good in the brochure, in general you get what you pay for. It would be a sad fact if your dream honeymoon ended up a disaster just trying to save a few dollars.

A honeymoon is not just a holiday to get over the rigours of the wedding day. It is a celebration of your future life together and it is imperative both of you enjoy your time as much as each other.

If you need transport not just on your wedding day, but airport transfer for your honeymoon, then contact our friendly professional team. Our reliable service will get you to your flight on time and safely, ready to embark on your perfect honeymoon!

Wedding Planning

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